The Gardens
Visit our medicinal gardens to learn, rest or meditate. The gardens are open to the community, in Old Town Fort Collins, Colorado.
Visit the gardens to learn, rest, or meditate
Planted in the form of a Native American medicine wheel, The Gardens include a variety of plants with significant medicinal properties for healing. A walking labyrinth winds through center of this botanical medicine wheel, to teach the community about meditation.
Embracing the medicine wheel are three smaller gardens honoring the three phases of life:
The Seedling Garden (childhood)
The Bountiful Garden (fertility)
The Sage Garden (elders)
This vibrant healing garden brings together children, adults, elders, and healing practitioners from many disciplines.
some photos Of the evolution of our garden.. this is 2003 when we started it. It was blessed by a Lakota chief And we had a tobacco ceremony. The purpose was to honor our land and our plant medicine. And most importantly to create a place of peace and healing.
Tour the gardens
Visit The Gardens anytime! Free and open to the public in Old Town Fort Collins, Colorado.
315 Canyon Avenue
Olive Street and Canyon Avenue

Support the gardens