What is Glutathione & Why Is It So Important?


By Jackie Fields


What’s The strongest anti-oxidant, detoxifying nutrient, and anti-aging supplement you can take?

glutathione (gloo-ta-thigh-own). 

We can test all your nutrients at the Healing Gardens, just ask your medical provider.  “Of all the nutrients I always want to ensure Glutathione is not deficient.” - Dr. Fields.

Glutathione is literally the vital force of your body and one of the main keys to lifelong health and healing. It’s “uniquely human” in that your own body produces this crucial molecule. But often your body needs help making enough of it as you age. Even young people are often deficient in glutathione. 

Yet it’s truly one of the most important substances on earth for good health. It’s the mother of all antioxidants—5,000 times stronger than any other antioxidant in your body. It’s also the master detoxifier and the most potent protector of all of your body’s cells. 

In fact, the  University of Michigan study  found this powerful molecule is responsible for at least 24% of your good health as you age.  Imagine if you could feel 24% more energized, sharper, and robustly healthy right now… let alone a decade or two from now—simply by reversing this deficiency! 

Yet Many of my patients had not heard of this hidden cause that leads to so much disease and illness… nor have they been told what to do about it.

Why your body is so perilously low on this precious, health-giving molecule?

Shockingly, an estimated 86% of Americans suffer unknowingly from a glutathione deficiency. How can this be when glutathione is something your body produces on its own? 

When you’re young, your body produces high amounts of glutathione. Yet over time your glutathione levels become depleted due to many factors—including aging, poor diet, stress, medications, smoking, drinking, and being overweight. 

But that’s not all. One of the biggest robbers of glutathione is exposure to dangerous toxins. I’m talking about pollutants, chemicals, radiation, and other contaminants that trigger oxidation and damage in your body and drain your precious “vital force” glutathione. 

There are toxins that enter your body from the air, food, water, cleaning products in your home, cosmetics, toiletries, lawn and garden chemicals, mercury- and PCB-tainted fish, dry-cleaned clothing, flame retardant-doused sofas and chairs, electromagnetic “dirty energy”, plastic bottles, aluminum cans, receipts, even household dust. 

Toxins are everywhere—and they’re impossible to avoid! It’s no wonder your body is being drained of this “vital force” molecule and likely running perilously low. 

In fact, once you hit your forties, your body’s levels of glutathione start to decline rapidly. By the time you’re 60, they’ve dropped by nearly HALF! And the older you get, the worse your glutathione levels get.

This is an easy fix, lets get your personalized information first and figure out what your body needs and wants to operate in an optimized fashion!


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